THE MILLENNIUM OF SAILING SHIPS Collection is Karl Heinz Marquardt’s most recent work . It combines most of the reconstructions and plans he developed during a lifetime. Planned first as a single book, it became too large during a time when financing the whole as a one volume book, or even separated into three volumes became too costly, it is now divided into self-contained units of each ship, which we will made accessible in CD and A 1 drawings to interested parties. It are momentary 22 units written in English, but translations into German are currently worked on.
If you have any questions, please use the contact form.
THE MILLENNIUM OF SAILING SHIPS ist das jüngste Buch von Karl Heinz Marquardt. In diesem sind alle Rekonstruktionen und Pläne zu finden, die Karl Heinz Marquardt geschaffen hat. Da kein Verlag, weder im deutschsprachigen noch im englischsprachigen Raum Interesse hat dieses Buch zu verlegen, werden wir nun versuchen, es in Eigenregie für den Interessenten zugänglich zu machen.Geplant ist, die Pläne mit dem jeweiligen Artikel einzeln anzubieten, so dass sich der Interessierte explizit für „sein“ Schiff entscheiden kann. In weiterer Planung ist es, das Buch komplett zu verlegen.Es wird aber noch einige Zeit dauern, wir sind gerade in der Planungsphase, es muss viel organisiert werden. Aber wir strengen uns an euch in absehbarer Zeit ein Ergebnis zu liefern. Parallel arbeiten wir an einer deutschen Übersetzung.
Bei Fragen bitte das Kontaktformular benutzen, wir versuchen euch zeitnah zu antworten.
A Millennium of Sailing Ships
A Story of Sailing Ships in Plans and Models
The table of contents:
- OSEBERG SHIP (Royal Yacht), 9th century
- HANSEATIC COG (Bunte Kuh von Flandern), 14th century
- SPANISH NAO (Santa Maria), 15th century
- HANSEATIC MAN OF WAR (Adler von Lübeck), 16th century
- DUTCH JACHT (Duyfken) 16th century
- BRITISH MERCHANTMAN (Mayflower) 17th century
- DUTCH 70-GUN SHIP (unknown) 17th century
- BRITISH ROYAL YACHT, FIRST SCHOONER(Royal Transport) 17th century
- RUSSIAN 1ST RATE, (Zachary & Elisabeth) 18th century
- DUTCH BOMB VESSEL (unknown), 18th century
- DANISH/NORWEGIAN SKERRY BOAT, (Elgen) 18th century
- BRITISH BRIG (HMS Supply) 18th century
- EARLY BALTIMORE CLIPPER (HMS Berbice) 18th century
- BRITISH (ex FRENCH) FRIGATE(HMS Surprise ex L’Unité) 18th century
- BRITISH/AUSTRALIAN SCHOONER(Schooner for Port Jackson) built (Mercury)
- DANISH/NORWEGIAN GUN BOAT (Axel Thorsen) 19th century
- UNITED STATES PACKET SHIP, (Draper) 19th century
- AUSTRALIAN SCHOONER (Enterprize) 19th century
- BRITISH RESEARCH SHIP (Challenger) 19th century
- GERMAN MIGRANT BARQUE (Theone) 19th century
- GERMAN FOUR MAST BARQUE (Pamir) 20th century
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